Wednesday, April 13, 2011


S.G. Browne is a local author, and a really nice guy. You may have even seen him in Borders Capitola and not have noticed. (He'll sometimes come in, take all his books off our shelves, sign them, and put them back.) Perhaps you've seen his other book, Breathers, on Natalie's Staff Pick display. However, we are here to talk about his latest creation, Fated...

With the same wry, black humor as his first novel, S.G. Browne takes us on a crazy journey with the immortal entity known as 'Fabio' (aka Fate himself) - from complaining about the lows of his job in comparison to that of Destiny's, to actually falling in love with a human (a big no-no), and all the consequences of his actions in between. Fated came with a rather bizarre ending I did not really see coming, and to be honest, it still boggles my mind that the story wrapped up in that particular way.

I hope you enjoy this book and its author's strange, but awesome, sense of humor.