Monday, August 16, 2010


Regular Clues
  • There's a bakery/coffee shop in District 12 with a green sigil over it's door. Go to the one near the Victor's Village to get a token.
  • The Mayor's House is awfully close to the Bakery. You'd go there if you needed help finding something in District 12.
  • District 12 has a brick building in the heart of the Seam. The Mockingjay can be seen from the window if you look carefully. Find it.
  • The tesserae program was set up by the Capitol. Go see a Capitol representative to get your next token.
  • You would go see the Apothecary if you weren't feeling well. In this case, you'd see the Apothecary for tesserae tokens. It's near the Seam.
  • Take a picture of District 12's main export and bring that picture to a Capitol representative for this tesserae token.
  • Katniss regularly goes to a place outside District 12. Take a picture of yourself in a similar area & bring it to a Capitol representative.
  • There's a transportation station in Disctrict 12. Take a picture of yourself there and bring it to a Capitol representative for a token.

Timed Clues
  • So it turns out the Hob is mostly run by one guy named Joe. Somebody will be there to trade with him from 1:30-3:30 today. 8/16/10
  • Town Square is where people gather, and kids sometimes have fun running around the edge of a circular object there. Be there between 4-6pm. 8/19/10
  • The children of the Seam use the Meadow as a sort of playground. Come sea the strange creatures that live there from 5-7 this evening. 8/22/10
  • 8:45 -- Near the transportation station, answer the Capitol's call. Give the correct solutions and tokens will be granted to all. 8/23/10
Let us know if you have questions!

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