Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Kelsey*~

Kelsey is a bookseller who’s been at Borders Capitola for a little over a year and is Aimee’s dark apprentice. She’s the go-to person for young adult since she has read almost every book in the section. She’s a firm believer in letting your creativity flow, which happens all the time with her co-workers as they think of new ways to display things and make the most of frustrating computers. Kelsey’s also a huge fan of the Giants, everything related to tennis, and all things geeky including Battlestar Galactica, Glee, musicals, and a bunch of other things that she currently is not able to think of because of ingesting too much Mountain Dew. Her top five books include, but are not limited to: Poison Study, The Hunger Games, Vampire Academy, The Black Jewels Trilogy, aaaannnd... The Summoning.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Jax*~

Jax is a manager who has been at Capitola almost 4 years. She is the resident “good cop” and does her best to ensure that everyone remains happy and healthy. She is also the reason we, or indeed everyone in California, can’t have nice things. She loves books, faerie tales (the darker the better), cats and fuzzy things in general. She is also a huge sucker for a happy ending and books that make you think. Favorite books include, but are not limited to: Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeline L’Engle, and Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Natalie*~

Natalie is a manager who's been at Borders Capitola for 2 years.
Come to her if you have any Zombie related questions or need a good zombie book to read, she has probably read them all. Fan of the macabre, she loves anything with gore or that will keep you up at night. Some of her favorite authors include Chuck Palahniuk and David Sedaris. Besides having her head stuck in a book, she enjoys taking her stress out by skating and doing Rolller Derby.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Aimee*~

Aimee is a manager who's been at Borders Capitola for 4 years.
She runs the store's Twitter account and its blog, is one of the three in-store "MacGyvers," and firmly believes that tape, paperclips, and a little ingenuity can get you a long way in life. (Ask her to make something out of cardboard for you sometime.) Aimee adores the San Francisco Giants, and loves nearly all things geeky including, but not limited to: Theater, xkcd.com, Battlestar Galactica, Castle, her Gerber multi-tool, Joss Whedon, and especially her co-workers.
Her Top 5 Favorite Books are:
The Princess Bride, The Hunger Games, Blue Like Jazz, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.