Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Aimee*~

Aimee is a manager who's been at Borders Capitola for 4 years.
She runs the store's Twitter account and its blog, is one of the three in-store "MacGyvers," and firmly believes that tape, paperclips, and a little ingenuity can get you a long way in life. (Ask her to make something out of cardboard for you sometime.) Aimee adores the San Francisco Giants, and loves nearly all things geeky including, but not limited to: Theater, xkcd.com, Battlestar Galactica, Castle, her Gerber multi-tool, Joss Whedon, and especially her co-workers.
Her Top 5 Favorite Books are:
The Princess Bride, The Hunger Games, Blue Like Jazz, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

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