Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Staff Member of the Week! ~*Leigh*~

Leigh is a bookseller who just recently started at Borders Capitola a few months ago. She is a self-proclaimed Nerd Extraordinaire(TM) and will consume anything of vaguely geeky nature. She graduated from college with a History major and then went on to do a Theater graduate program, and loves to do any backstage work she can. Some of her favorite TV shows include anything and everything created by Joss Whedon (Buffy and Firefly tying for first place, naturally), Doctor Who, and Castle. She has been reading since before she could hold a book in her hands, and was known early on as that weird kid who would sit in the library during recess absorbing as much knowledge as she could, instead of playing kickball with the other kids. She loves reading sci-fi and fantasy, as was into vampires way before all this crazy Twilight nonsense (you want a great vampire book? Read Anno Dracula, by Kim Newman...amazing twist on the myth!). While sci-fi, fantasy, and graphic novels have a special place in her heart, Leigh loves to read from many different genres, whether beautifully written coming of age/self-realization stories like The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky) and Middlesex (Jeffrey Euginides), or history books like The Good War by Studs Terkel.  Any time Leigh has that isn't spent working or reading is usually spent playing some sort of video game or good card game with friends. If you see her around the store, say hi! She'd love to talk to you about some of her favorite reads, and help you find yours!

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